ARE YOU OBSOLETE!? Deadline Extended!We need MORE CLIPS!
We are putting together a new
promotional clip for OBSOLETE! and you can be a part of it!
Send us a video clip (less than 20 seconds) riffing on the classic
Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man"- it can be as
simple as a shot of you or your friends saying "YOU ARE
OBSOLETE!"using your phone, tablet or computer. OR- feel free to
get as creative or elaborate as you want. Don't worry, though, don't
be shy- we need LOTS OF CLIPS! The more the better- quality is not an
issue. We will collage you all together into a fantabulous obsolete
We need the clips asap, so send them in
soon- the new deadline is Sept 1st. Send small clips to or send a link to download larger clips.
Here is a shortened version of the original show with only the opening and closing scenes- you can find the whole episode elsewhere on YouTube.
Blair does Serling Karaoke...
Just to show you how simple it is- here is a quick one I did
sitting at my desk.
If you get really inspired, you can find the entire script of Rod Serling's Obsolete Man HERE.
I think I drank too much coffee before recording that. I'm not psychotic- really I'm not.